Saturday, April 2, 2016

Well Hello There!

I am short.  5'1.  Almost.  But some normal sized people like to mock me when I say 5' and 3/4 of an inch so I round up.  I'm also a big fan of activewear.  Primarily fancy, largely over-priced activewear.  But being short means a lot of the cute, fancy, expensive stuff just doesn't fit me.  It makes buying activewear, online especially, a bit of a pain.  So I wanted to make this space for other relatively short people like me.  And really for anyone who likes activewear because I like reading blogs and try on reviews written by normal sized people.  I just have to you know, accept that when Katy tries on super adorable clothes and looks fabulous (which she does!) they likely won't look like that on me.  And Suzanne looks amazing in everything she wear but she's an XS and I'm more of a medium.

The point is I want to create this space to hopefully help other short women who like me, love fancy athletic clothing.  But also just to talk about expensive athletic clothing for anyone who likes it.  The bulk of my current collection is Lululemon.  And I haven't found much to topple them as my favorite.  But I have a few pieces from smaller companies that I would like to talk about too!  I also like to run and spin and I'll likely talk about that.

So welcome to my little space in this huge internet universe.  This month I'm on my spending freeze (as written about by Suzanne here) because I wasn't ready to commit in February when she did it so April it is.  What that means is while I won't buy any fancy new gear this month, I can write about what I already have!  And getting this blog up and running can take the place of all the shopping I normally do.  So I should have oodles of posts this month :)